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Summarizing of ABSOLIUTI IDILE team results for 2012 year


This year our team won BIS-1, SJBIS-1, JBIS-3, JBIS-5, BIS-2 couple, BIS-3 couple, 4xBIG-1, 2xBIS-1 Puppy, BIS-2 Puppy, 22 BOB, 12 BOB Junior, 10 CACIB, 9 BOB Puppy, 5 BOB Baby, 34 Winners, finished 12 Junior Championships, 12 Championships and 1 International Championship for our and our bred dogs!

Here is full list of 2012 results:


Whippet boys:

GLAUCIUM PERSICUM DOMINIJA „Gongas“ (co.owner Jurgita Tamuliene, LT) – Estonian and Baltic Champion,3xCACIB, 5xW (BM-1), 5xCAC

ABSOLIUTI IDILE ASCOLI PICENO „Rubis“ (owner Andrey Dekhnich, RU) – BIS-1, BIG-1, BOB, W, CAC

ABSOLIUTI IDILE B. B. KING „Porthos“ (co.owner Giedre Silgalyte, LT) – Lithuanian and Estonian Junior Champion, JBIS-5, BIG-3, BOB, BOB Junior, BM-3, BM-4, 5xJW

ABSOLIUTI IDILE BRUNO NICOLINI „Nikki“ (owner Anna Pavlova, RU) – Russian and Club Junior Champion, Russian and RKF Champion, BIG-1, 2xBIG-2, BIG-3, 3xBOB, CACIB, 3xW, 3xCAC, 2xBOB Junior, 4xJCAC, BIS-1 Puppy, 2xSBOB Puppy, 2xBOB Puppy, SBOS Puppy, SBOB Baby

ABSOLIUTI IDILE BON JOVI „Speed“ (owner Laimonas Buraitis, LT) – BIG-4, BOB, BOB Junior, JCAC

ABSOLIUTI IDILE BILLY JOE ARMSTRONG „Messi“ (owner Isabella Parniawska, PL) – 2xBOB Puppy, BOS Puppy

ABSOLIUTI IDILE CALIDRIS ALPINA „Boni“ (owner Martynas Moska, LT) – SBOS Puppy

ABSOLIUTI IDILE DIAMOND OF MY BELIEF „Galahad“ (co.owner Olga Ryseva, LT) – BOB Baby

Whippet girls:

HER MAJESTY DOMINIJA "Meda" – C.I.B. Interniational and Belarussian Champion, 2xBIG-1, 3xBIG-2, 3xCACIB, 8xBOB, 11xW, 10xCAC

GODETIA GRACE DOMINIJA "Sniege" (co.owner Jolanta Pyragiene, LT) – Lithuanian Champion, CAC

GLADIOLUS BYZANTINE DOMINIJA „Smilga“ (owner Ausra Stankeviciene, LT) – BOB, W, CAC

ABSOLIUTI IDILE ALESSANDRIA "Vetra" (owner Rima Malakauskiene, LT) – Lithuanian Champion, 2xCACIB, 2xW, 3xCAC

ABSOLIUTI IDILE BE MY BIANCA RYAN „Lola“ (co.owner Reda Vengalyte) – Lithuania, Latvian, Estonian and Baltic Junior Champion, BB-1, 2xBB-2, 4xBOB Junior, 7xJCAC, BIS-1 Puppy, BIS-2 Puppy, 4xBOB Puppy, 2xBOS Puppy

ABSOLIUTI IDILE BE MY ANNIE LENOX „Anni“ (owners Nina Viskari & Paivi Kajaus, FI) - Lithuania, Latvian, Estonian and Baltic Junior Champion, SJBIS-1, JBIS-3, 2xBIG-2, 4xBOB, 4xBB-1, 2xBB-3, 2xCAC, 4xBOB Junior, 5xJCAC

Leonberger girls:

ABSOLIUTI IDILE ATLANTIC „Madeira“ (co.owner Jolanta Pyragiene, LT) – 2 BOB Baby 

KNOCKANDO'S ROYAL TOKAJI EXCLUSIVE „Tisza“ - Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian, Baltic and Belarussian Champion, 2xBOB, 6xW, CACIB, R.CACIB, 8xCAC 


Most big thank to our dogs breeders and to our bred puppies owners – big hugs to all of you and congratulations!!!

Biggest thank to handlers Reda Vengalyte, Ruta Puodziunaite, Marianna Guseva and Meda Antanaityte! 

Summarizing of ABSOLIUTI IDILE team results for 2012 year!


This year our team won BIS-1, SJBIS-1, JBIS-3, JBIS-5, BIS-2 couple, BIS-3 couple, 4xBIG-1, 2xBIS-1 Puppy, BIS-2 Puppy, 22 BOB, 12 BOB Junior, 10 CACIB, 9 BOB Puppy, 5 BOB Baby, 34 Winners, finished 12 Junior Championships, 12 Championships and 1 International Championship for our and our bred dogs!


Here is full list of 2012 results:




Whippet boys:

GLAUCIUM PERSICUM DOMINIJA „Gongas“ (co.owner Jurgita Tamuliene, LT) – Estonian and Baltic Champion, 3xCACIB, 5xW (BM-1), 5xCAC

ABSOLIUTI IDILE ASCOLI PICENO „Rubis“ (owner Andrey Dekhnich, RU) – BIS-1, BIG-1, BOB, W, CAC

ABSOLIUTI IDILE B. B. KING „Porthos“ (co.owner Giedre Silgalyte, LT) – Lithuanian and Estonian Junior Champion, JBIS-5, BIG-3, BOB, BOB Junior, BM-3, BM-4, 5xJW

ABSOLIUTI IDILE BRUNO NICOLINI „Nikki“ (owner Anna Pavlova, RU) – Russian and Club Junior Champion, Russian and RKF Champion, BIG-1, 2xBIG-2, BIG-3, 3xBOB, CACIB, 3xW, 3xCAC, 2xBOB Junior, 4xJCAC, BIS-1 Puppy, 2xSBOB Puppy, 2xBOB Puppy, SBOS Puppy, SBOB Baby

ABSOLIUTI IDILE BON JOVI „Speed“ (owner Laimonas Buraitis, LT) – BIG-4, BOB, BOB Junior, JCAC

ABSOLIUTI IDILE BILLY JOE ARMSTRONG „Messi“ (owner Isabella Parniawska, PL) – 2xBOB Puppy, BOS Puppy

ABSOLIUTI IDILE CALIDRIS ALPINA „Boni“ (owner Martynas Moska, LT) – BOS Puppy

ABSOLIUTI IDILE DIAMOND OF MY BELIEF „Galahad“ (co.owner Olga Ryseva, LT) – BOB Baby


Whippet girls:

HER MAJESTY DOMINIJA "Meda" – C.I.B. Interniational and Belarussian Champion, 2xBIG-1, 3xBIG-2, 3xCACIB, 8xBOB, 11xW, 10xCAC

GODETIA GRACE DOMINIJA "Sniege" (co.owner Jolanta Pyragiene, LT) – Lithuanian Champion, CAC

GLADIOLUS BYZANTINE DOMINIJA „Smilga“ (owner Ausra Stankeviciene, LT) – BOB, W, CAC

ABSOLIUTI IDILE ALESSANDRIA "Vetra" (owner Rima Malakauskiene, LT) – Lithuanian Champion, 2xCACIB, 2xW, 3xCAC

ABSOLIUTI IDILE BE MY BIANCA RYAN „Lola“ (co.owner Reda Vengalyte) – Lithuania, Latvian, Estonian and Baltic Junior Champion, BB-1, 2xBB-2, 4xBOB Junior, 7xJCAC, BIS-1 Puppy, BIS-2 Puppy, 4xBOB Puppy, 2xBOS Puppy

ABSOLIUTI IDILE BE MY ANNIE LENOX „Anni“ 9owners Nina Viskari & Paivi Kajaus, FI) - Lithuania, Latvian, Estonian and Baltic Junior Champion, SJBIS-1, JBIS-3, 2xBIG-2, 4xBOB, 4xBB-1, 2xBB-3, 2xCAC, 4xBOB Junior, 5xJCAC


Leonberger girls:


KNOCKANDO'S ROYAL TOKAJI EXCLUSIVE „Tisha“ - Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian, Baltic and Belarussian Champion, 2xBOB, 6xW, CACIB, R.CACIB, 8xCAC

ABSOLIUTI IDILE ATLANTIC „Madeira“ (co.owner Jolanta Pyragiene, LT) – 2 BOB Baby


Most big thank to our dogs breeders and to our bred puppies owners – big hugs to all of you and congratulations!!!


Ramune and team ABSOLIUTI IDILE  

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