Tel: 370-62077572
ABOUT US - 26 years together with dogs
I hope you have time to look around this website, find out about our family kennel and about
world's most delightful dogs - elengant whippets and gentle giants leonbergers.
Our pets are kept in home environment to ensure they get plenty of tender loving care. I will
write you my story about my family and beginning with dogs..
We live in a small village near Lithuanian summer resort Palanga. We - its me, my husband, our two sons and our dogs. This is pur family :-) Dogs take very important part
in our lives. They are companions for us being at home, walking at the forests and going to the
seaside and they are fantastic conpanions in travels.. Our dogs live with us at home!
My childhood I spent in Palanga, every summer, the international dog shows were taking
place in our town. I was impressed so much, so I became a great fan of dogs, but my parents
could not let me have my own dog. From these days I knew, dogs would be a part of my future
When I was 12 years old, my older sister came back from her practical work at the farm,
bringing a dog with. It was a small red mongrel bitch “Lape” (eng. fox). My mother wasn’t
happy with it and she was thinking over keeping Lape at home or not. Finally she had
agreed with and Lape became a member of our family. I loved her all my heart, she was the
part of me always and everywhere. I stopped thinking about dog shows, concentrating only
on my dog. Lape was very nice dog to adult people, but not to children. She died when I was 21
years old.
Time passed and we took another mongrel bitch named “Pupa” (eng. bean) - very similar
to Lape. She was about three years old and taken from animal resque home to us. Strange, but
she also did not like children. She lived in our family for 7 years.
After I have graduated the university and got married, me and my husband Sigitas started looking for a dog breed that would justified all our demands and requirements: friendly to children, of average height, elegant, beautiful, short-haired dogs. We were choosing a breed among many breeds some years, before we have discovered Whippets! Both of us liked the elegance, speed and friendliness of mentioned breed!
The first Whippet was black bitch “Carmen” Avangardo BERENIKE. I began participating at the dog shows with great enthusiasm, but after while I realized that not all dogs are suitable for dog shows. It was very sad. Anyway, our Carmen is our lady number one! And she have some titles - LT CAC, 2xLV CAC and PL CAC.
I decided to create a personal website “Sigra's whippets”. We realized: we want one more whippet... And then “Sunny” - Junior Champion of Lithuania and Latvia, Champion of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Baltic, Russia and Moldova BE PRETTY CELESTINE Dominija – beautiful beige girl became a member of our family. Until now, we are grateful breeder and co-owner Asta Simonelyte for such great features in this dog.
Today we own one more lovely girl “Meda” HER MAJESTY Dominija, she is now multiple titled TOP Whippet-1'2010, TOP Whippet-3'2011 & 2012, BIS-2, BIS-3, JBIS-2, JBIS-3, multi BIG-1, Baby BIS-1, Baby SBIS-1. - C.I.B. International Champion, Junior Champion-Champion of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Baltic, Champion of Belarussia, multi Winner & multi BOB & multi Best Junior
When we have started building own house, we began to think about dog-guard. We have thinking about strong and big but very gentle breed without aggression to our family, children and our pets. We were thinking that it is not possible, to have all these features in one breed, but in dogforum I proposed leonberger. We have begun collecting information about mentioned breed and made visit to the kennel "Honey Bears from Kleisti" in Riga and have a look at six leonberger dogs!. And We like this breed! We made decision to have leonberger dog in our family and at moment we own long awaited first leonberger Knockando's WINTHER IN SANCERRA "Amber" import from Sweden from Knockando's kennel. Being a puppy she won Baby SBIS-1, Puppy BIS-1 and Puppy BIS-5 and for now she is International Champion, Junior Champion-Champion of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Baltic and multi Winner & multi BOB. We really believe in the success of this young lady. After 7 months we imported our second leonberger girl Knockando's ROYAL TOKAJI EXCLUSIVE "Tisza" - sharp girl with high level of charizma :-) Other type, other energy, other all! At moment she is multi Winner, Junior Champion-Champion of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Baltic.
Our first two Whippet litters have been registered in Dominija kennel, and breeder Asta Simonelyte did the great selective job. Litters was born and own at our family. In 2009 we registered our kennel "ABSOLIUTI IDILE" (eng. absolute idyll for our dogs) FCI Nr. - 63/09.
We are choosing our puppy-owners with great enthusiasm and care, because each puppy is almost a baby for us because they grow with family at home. We believe, it is important to build up a good relationship between us and puppy-owner so that we can stay in touch with them for a long time.
We hope you will enjoy your visit to our kennel :-) We can speak Lithuanian, English and Russian.
Best wishes,
breeder Ramune Snepetiene (ex surname Balciuniene)
Kennel ABSOLIUTI IDILE (FCI Nr. 63/09)